Sunday, September 25, 2016

C is for caring and K is for kind!

         Last week we focused on letters Cc and Kk, and we boarded our plane and headed north to Canada! The kids learned about the process of tapping a maple tree, and we made Canadian flags. Everyone is  working so hard on learning all of their letters and sounds! We have two more weeks of Alphabet Bootcamp, and then we will celebrate with an alphabet fashion show! It's going to be so much fun!! Friday, we had a Kumbaya moment and really talked about being kind to one another. We discussed all of the characteristics and qualities that we love about each child. It was such a special moment to hear the sweet things the kids had to say about one another. I want them to always remember that they are special and they are loved.

          It's hard to believe that we are about to begin the last week of September. October is going to be  a vey very busy month! Here are a few pictures from last week!

                                                         Michael joined the Dojo Club!!!

                                                           They love apples for snack!!

                                                   Sweet moment at the listening center.

Have a terrific week!!
~ Ms. Baygents

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Letter O week!

Last week the kids learned all about letter O! Letter O is a super hero vowel because he can make two sounds. He has a short sound, and a long sound! The week was very busy and I didn't take as many pictures as I normally do.. sorry!  We are starting to work on really cute fall art and hope cool weather will arrive soon!

We made owls out of torn paper, and they turned out precious!

I am so proud of how well they are writing sentences! On Friday, they wrote about an ostrich! It's neat to see how much they have grown over the last 6 weeks!
We had two more kids join the Dojo club!!!! Great job!!
After a long hard week it's fun to DANCE!!!
I'm looking forward to another fabulous week with your babies!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Pancakes and Pajamas!

We had such a fun week learning about letter Pp! It was a "short" week, but we managed to get it all done! We ended our week by wearing our pajamas to school and making pink petite pancakes! We also visited Paris and learned about the Eiffel Tower! The paintings turned out so cute! These kiddos sure do love art! I was able to snap a few pictures during the week!

 First, they sketched out the Eiffel Tower, then painted the background with watercolors!
 The next day we outlined the tower with black tempra paint and added sparkly fireworks!

I failed to get a picture of the final product, but they are hanging in the hall and will go into their scrapbooks! 

We had two girls join the Dojo Club this week!! I'm so proud of their hard work! #50greenpoints
Congrats Zoee and Molly! 

Here is our pajama group pic! 

                                                            Yummy pink pancakes!!

 It took awhile to cook enough pancakes for the whole class, and they literally ate them in about 30 seconds! Haha!

 We read two books about pancakes! Curious George Makes Pancakes, and Pancakes Pancakes by Eric Carle. He is one of the authors that we study throughout the year! I love  his books and his illustrations!
This coming week we are going to TRY to have a nice calm and "normal" week!  We'll just see about that!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Letter Aa week!

Last week we learned all about the letter Aa, and we visited Africa! We talked about how Africa is a continent, and not a country. We made African Good Luck hands during centers!

We started our week off by celebrating Sophie's birthday!!  We really enjoyed the yummy chocolate cupcakes!
We had 3 kids join the Dojo Club this week!! They were sooooooo excited!! I am so proud of their hard work and awesome behavior!! Way to go Lauren, Trey, and Madisyn!!!

This class really loves play-doh, so they use it often! They made letter Aa out of play-doh!
Molly ( cutie above) met her Rookie Reader goal last week!!  Wow!! Readers are leaders!

All week the kids asked about our apple tasting.... and FINALLY we made it to Friday!!! I've never had a class where everyone loved apples! I was surprised to see everyone enjoy their apples!! After we talked about the names of each apple and tasted them, we made a graph to see which was the class favorite. It was close.... but it looks like yellow apples were the class favorite!

Friday was also spirit day!! We love our warriors!!!!!  #cuties #twinning