Monday, September 5, 2016

Letter Aa week!

Last week we learned all about the letter Aa, and we visited Africa! We talked about how Africa is a continent, and not a country. We made African Good Luck hands during centers!

We started our week off by celebrating Sophie's birthday!!  We really enjoyed the yummy chocolate cupcakes!
We had 3 kids join the Dojo Club this week!! They were sooooooo excited!! I am so proud of their hard work and awesome behavior!! Way to go Lauren, Trey, and Madisyn!!!

This class really loves play-doh, so they use it often! They made letter Aa out of play-doh!
Molly ( cutie above) met her Rookie Reader goal last week!!  Wow!! Readers are leaders!

All week the kids asked about our apple tasting.... and FINALLY we made it to Friday!!! I've never had a class where everyone loved apples! I was surprised to see everyone enjoy their apples!! After we talked about the names of each apple and tasted them, we made a graph to see which was the class favorite. It was close.... but it looks like yellow apples were the class favorite!

Friday was also spirit day!! We love our warriors!!!!!  #cuties #twinning

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