Sunday, October 15, 2017

Alphabet Fashion Show

    Wow! October is here and full of fun! During the 1st 9 weeks of school, the kids worked really hard to recognize and produce the sound of all the letters in the alphabet. I like to call this "Alphabet Bootcamp". I am very pleased with how much all of the kids have grown academically in just two months! After a much needed long fall break, we returned to school to celebrate the end of Alphabet Bootcamp by having a Fashion Show! Last year, we had the fashion show in the classroom, but I thought it would be neat to make it a fun event for all Kindergarten students and let older grades watch. The kids were a little overwhelmed by the crowd of people watching, but they had a great time! I loved seeing all of their adorable costumes and hearing all of the sweet comments they shared with each other.
     We also had a special visitor come to our classroom Friday. Ms. Alex teaches down the hall from our room and likes to stop by and chat every afternoon when we are lining up to dismiss. She mentioned to the kids that she was going to get a baby hedgehog over fall break and would bring it by for them to see. They were very excited to see her!

I gave certificates and popsicles to the students who met the Rookie Reader goal for the 1st 9 weeks! Rylan was the top reader in our class! Way to go Rylan! He read over 75 books.
Click the link below to see pictures from our fashion show!

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