Monday, October 24, 2016

October Adventures!

I know I am soooo behind with blogging, but better late than never.. right???

After fall break we had a very busy "short week". We learned all about paleontologists and dug for dinosaur bones. The kids were very surprised when a T-Rex showed up at the door!

That was the same day as our Alphabet Fashion Show!! I LOVED all of their cute costumes! I am so proud of how hard these kids worked to learn their letters and sounds! That is a big accomplishment! Here are a few pictures from the fashion show!!

We finished the week at Mitchell Farms, and we had a great time! Thanks to all of the chaperones who helped make the day successful!

We "visited" Mexico during Mm week! The kids learned all about the Mexican culture, and we celebrated with a fiesta on Friday! They were so excited to hit the pinatas!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Dd Week!

Last week was very busy! Here are a few pictures from the week!

We kicked off our Disney fundraiser and Mason, Michael, and Molly earned a ticket to spin the prize wheel!! Keep selling those raffle tickets!

Kalina and Jaquan joined the Dojo Club!!

Friday was spirit day!!! These cuties were representing their branch!!!
We also made dog headbands! They literally barked and panted all the way to the cafeteria!! I had to get them to stop barking long enough to take a picture!!

I've been really thinking about a way to spend one-on- one time with child. That's a really hard thing to do with 23 kids... but last week we came up with this idea. Mrs. Jodi and I take turns choosing one kid to eat lunch with outside at the picnic table. We call it our "lunch date". This allows each child to have a special day, and have all of our attention. Last week Jaquan, Jerry, and Ethan were chosen as lunch dates! I love being able to spend time with each of these sweet babies.

We loved having all of the dads come for donuts on Friday!!! Mickey heard we were having donuts... and he dropped by for a short visit!

Mrs. Timidaiski, our music specialist dropped by for donuts too! Our class loves going to music! She is fabulous! 
Well, this week we will be doing our Alphabet fashion show and going to Mitchell Farms!! There will be plenty of pictures for you to see this weekend! Stay tuned for more adventures in Kindergarten!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Ee week !

Last week we visited Egypt and learned about king Tut! The portraits turned out so cute!

Thursday, the weather was absolutely gorgeous and I told the kids that if they were sweet, we would eat outside! We LOVE having picnics outside! Hopefully we will be able to eat outside some this week too.

Friday was a super fun and busy day! The kids learned  about a painting technique called pointillism, and they made fall trees.

I told them we were going to see Mickey and Minnie after lunch and all day they asked if it was time yet!! They were soooo excited!

                                I can't what to see how many raffle tickets our class sells!!
                                              Olivia, Melvin, and Jerry all joined the Dojo Club this week!!!
Stay tuned for the next post! I will have pics from donuts with dad and rookie reader! I hope you all have a blessed week!!