Monday, October 24, 2016

October Adventures!

I know I am soooo behind with blogging, but better late than never.. right???

After fall break we had a very busy "short week". We learned all about paleontologists and dug for dinosaur bones. The kids were very surprised when a T-Rex showed up at the door!

That was the same day as our Alphabet Fashion Show!! I LOVED all of their cute costumes! I am so proud of how hard these kids worked to learn their letters and sounds! That is a big accomplishment! Here are a few pictures from the fashion show!!

We finished the week at Mitchell Farms, and we had a great time! Thanks to all of the chaperones who helped make the day successful!

We "visited" Mexico during Mm week! The kids learned all about the Mexican culture, and we celebrated with a fiesta on Friday! They were so excited to hit the pinatas!

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