Sunday, September 10, 2017

A is for Awesome!

We had another great week in Kindergarten! I think we should have a 4 day school week every week! It's a known fact that if Kindergarten teachers can survive until Labor Day, the rest of the year will be great! It's so true. I feel like the kids have grown so much in the last month. They are becoming independent, and have settled in wonderfully.I love that I really know their personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. I  love to see friendships being made, but most of all I love hearing them say "I love school" as I'm putting them on the bus in the afternoon. Sweet babies...!!!

Last week we  "visited" Africa, tasted different kinds of apples, celebrated Bo's birthday, and enjoyed the beautiful weather outside! We ate lunch outside one day, and it was so nice! Now that the love bugs are starting to go away and the weather is cooling down a bit, we will get to eat outside a lot more!

Here are a few pictures from our Awesome... Amazing... A week!

                                           Apple Tasting!

                                                            Happy Birthday, Bo!
                                                           African Good Luck Hands

                                                 Green apples are our favorite!

                                                                     Spirit Day!
                                                    Alligator puppets!

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