Sunday, September 3, 2017

Letter Bb Week!

Last week was very busy!! Monday, we took the MKAS and the kids did a great job of following directions! They were so quiet and patiently waited for their friends to finish! Tuesday, we boarded our private plane again and went to Beijing, China! The kids enjoyed locating Beijing on the globe and learning about the Chinese culture. They made dragon puppets and pandas. The pandas turned out absolutely adorable, but sadly I forgot to take pictures of them! Wednesday, was the third day without recess and to top it off, we had to sit and wait for the tornado warning to expire. Once again, the kids did a fabulous job! Our "safe spot" is another Kindergarten classroom that does not have windows. Thursday, we made homemade bread and butter! The kids enjoyed learning about the process of making bread and butter! We also made bees and beehives for letter Bb week!
Friday, we all were SOOO excited to see a little sunshine!!! We stayed outside a little longer than usual!

Here are a few pictures from the week!

                                                    Shake Shake Shake!!

Chinese Dragons

                                                  Beaver puppets! They loved the song and dance.

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