Sunday, November 26, 2017


We had so many fun events during October and November!

Check it out! Click the link below!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

October Adventures

We had such a super fun week at Longleaf! We started the week off learning about dinosaurs and paleontologists! The kids really enjoyed digging for fossils and using the "bones" to create their very own dinosaur. Thursday morning we celebrated all of the awesome dads by hosting "Donuts with Dad"! 

Click the link below to see pictures from Donuts with Dad!

Friday, we went to Mitchell Farms! The weather was great, and we all had a fabulous time! Thank you to all of the chaperones! I'm sure everyone slept well that night!

Here is the link to Mitchell Farms Pictures!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Alphabet Fashion Show

    Wow! October is here and full of fun! During the 1st 9 weeks of school, the kids worked really hard to recognize and produce the sound of all the letters in the alphabet. I like to call this "Alphabet Bootcamp". I am very pleased with how much all of the kids have grown academically in just two months! After a much needed long fall break, we returned to school to celebrate the end of Alphabet Bootcamp by having a Fashion Show! Last year, we had the fashion show in the classroom, but I thought it would be neat to make it a fun event for all Kindergarten students and let older grades watch. The kids were a little overwhelmed by the crowd of people watching, but they had a great time! I loved seeing all of their adorable costumes and hearing all of the sweet comments they shared with each other.
     We also had a special visitor come to our classroom Friday. Ms. Alex teaches down the hall from our room and likes to stop by and chat every afternoon when we are lining up to dismiss. She mentioned to the kids that she was going to get a baby hedgehog over fall break and would bring it by for them to see. They were very excited to see her!

I gave certificates and popsicles to the students who met the Rookie Reader goal for the 1st 9 weeks! Rylan was the top reader in our class! Way to go Rylan! He read over 75 books.
Click the link below to see pictures from our fashion show!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Pajamas and Pancakes!

This week we "visited" Paris! The kids really enjoyed painting portraits of the Eiffel Tower! They turned out really cute.

They are doing a great job with sentence writing! #fingerspaces
I loved seeing everyone dressed up for picture day! 
They are also working hard to earn Dojo points! We have 9 kids in the Dojo Club so far! 
                                               Monday, we read the book The Pout Pout Fish.

We finished letter Pp week by wearing our pajamas to school and made petite pink pancakes! 

Click the link below to see pictures!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

A is for Awesome!

We had another great week in Kindergarten! I think we should have a 4 day school week every week! It's a known fact that if Kindergarten teachers can survive until Labor Day, the rest of the year will be great! It's so true. I feel like the kids have grown so much in the last month. They are becoming independent, and have settled in wonderfully.I love that I really know their personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. I  love to see friendships being made, but most of all I love hearing them say "I love school" as I'm putting them on the bus in the afternoon. Sweet babies...!!!

Last week we  "visited" Africa, tasted different kinds of apples, celebrated Bo's birthday, and enjoyed the beautiful weather outside! We ate lunch outside one day, and it was so nice! Now that the love bugs are starting to go away and the weather is cooling down a bit, we will get to eat outside a lot more!

Here are a few pictures from our Awesome... Amazing... A week!

                                           Apple Tasting!

                                                            Happy Birthday, Bo!
                                                           African Good Luck Hands

                                                 Green apples are our favorite!

                                                                     Spirit Day!
                                                    Alligator puppets!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Letter Bb Week!

Last week was very busy!! Monday, we took the MKAS and the kids did a great job of following directions! They were so quiet and patiently waited for their friends to finish! Tuesday, we boarded our private plane again and went to Beijing, China! The kids enjoyed locating Beijing on the globe and learning about the Chinese culture. They made dragon puppets and pandas. The pandas turned out absolutely adorable, but sadly I forgot to take pictures of them! Wednesday, was the third day without recess and to top it off, we had to sit and wait for the tornado warning to expire. Once again, the kids did a fabulous job! Our "safe spot" is another Kindergarten classroom that does not have windows. Thursday, we made homemade bread and butter! The kids enjoyed learning about the process of making bread and butter! We also made bees and beehives for letter Bb week!
Friday, we all were SOOO excited to see a little sunshine!!! We stayed outside a little longer than usual!

Here are a few pictures from the week!

                                                    Shake Shake Shake!!

Chinese Dragons

                                                  Beaver puppets! They loved the song and dance.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Letter Tt Week!

We had a terrific week learning about letter Tt! We boarded our private plane and "visited" Thailand! We learned that there are thousands of domesticated elephants in Thailand.The kids were very excited to paint for the first time! They learned the difference between water colors and tempera paint, and how to use oil pastels! They had a lot of fun creating beautiful Thai elephants!

They are also doing a fabulous job learning how to use a computer mouse! We LOVE Reading Eggs! 

Friday, we ended the week with a Teddy Bear "T" Party!  The kids dined on Teddy Grahams and apple "tea" while using their best table manners! It was so much fun! 

Click on the link below to see pictures from our "T" Party!

Stay tuned for more adventures in Kindergarten!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Gingerbread Week

      We had a great second week of school! The kids are doing a fabulous job of learning procedures and expectations. It's going to be a great year! This week we had so much fun reading different versions of the Gingerbread Man. Thursday, we made our very own Gingerbread man. We planned on eating him Friday for snack, but Thursday afternoon we heard an announcement that he had jumped out of the oven in the cafeteria and ran away! We spent Friday morning looking for him. We started in the office and found a clue that led us to 4 other clues. The last clue made us believe he was back in our classroom. We quickly went back to our room and found him!!  Whew!

Click on the link to see more Gingerbread pictures!